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CNC Machining

 Omar Larios
Mechatronics Engineer

For the manufacture of propellers and hardware, among them bronze rings, centrifugal bushing, body bombs, and bells, etc., some factors are to be considered, such as alloy type, foundry quality and machining dimensions in propellers and hardware, among others. To achieve this, Fundiciones Rice has aimed to perfect its processes to comply with all the requirements needed to manufacture propellers and hardware, with the highest quality standards that the market demands.

CNC Machine
Numerical Control (NC) has been used by the industry for over 40 years. It´s a code letter, number and special characters-based, automatized control method. The structured code set is called a program. This program is translated into electrical signals which run the machine.

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A Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine is an NC machine with a computer mounted on it. The control units in an NC machine are hardware; that is to say, NC machine functions are controlled by physical electronic components inside the controller. On the other hand, a CNC machine is programmed by software which executes decoded functions when manufacturing is running.

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    • Time reduction. The program is in charge of machining of a part by executing specific instructions. Mounting the part and loading program are all that is needed for the machine to run by itself.
    • Precision. CNC machines can achieve precisions of inch microns. This depends on the machine and machining requirements.
    • Geometry flexibility. It can be adjusted to any machining geometry. It's not limited to a specific shape.
    • Repetitiveness. Every program can be saved; thus, any number of the same part may be machined as many times as necessary. A program can be modified for machining similar parts.

All this translates into lower costs, time reduction and maximum quality of the finished product.

FFANUC Iberia, S.L.U. (s.f.). Soluciones: Soluciones sobre nuestros clientes.
Industrias VIWA. (s.f.). BLOG: ¿QUÉ ES CNC? Recuperated in 2017, de
Valentino, J., & Goldenberg, J. (2013). Introduction to Computer Numerical Control (CNC) (5, illustrated ed.). (P. Hall, Ed.)

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